Versatile and Can be Used with Any Buffer or Bench Grinder
The package includes two-pack spiral sewen cotton buffing wheels, 6 inches in diameter, and features a 1/2 inch arbor hole, leather lines to withstand wear and tear, can be used with 1/2 inch arbor bench grinders or buffing machines.
Leverage the power of your bench grinder and transform it into a buffing machine!
Amazing Quality
Ideal for buffing and polishing a variety of surfaces with the appropriate compound. It can be used on metal, wood, acrylics, and plastics, and painted surfaces. Just add the buffing compound suitable for the material you are working on and buff it to a high gloss finish.
The cotton wheels are great at buffing compound transfer and will work on anything you put it through.
Yellow Wheels - Firm
Made of 100% cotton with a higher thread count to create a firmer, more dense buffing wheel that is ideal for the first buffing stages or cuts, stacked in 55 ply (about 7/8 inch thick). Concentric sewing adds firmness without sacrificing flexibility and Aggressive cutting action
Use for heavy-duty metal cleaning, buffing, deburring sharpened edges, and removing scratches.
White Wheels - Soft
They are made of 100% cotton with a high thread count, engineered to be a softer and more flexible buffing wheel, ideal for the final buffing stages, stacked in 70 ply (about 1 inch thick). Concentric sewing adds firmness without sacrificing flexibility and Aggressive cutting action.
Ideal for polishing metal and producing a mirror-like glossy finish with the appropriate polishing compound