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Paquete de 10 ruedas pulidoras de fieltro de 4-1/2" con eje de 7/8" para amoladora angular
SKU: L10-64248
Paquete de 10 ruedas pulidoras de fieltro de 4-1/2" con eje de 7/8" para amoladora angular
SKU: L10-64248
16 reviews
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Inventario en el camino
Precio habitual$2999$29.99
Características de los productos:
La rueda de pulido de fieltro está hecha de fibra de lana fina natural comprimida para producir una rueda de pulido densamente firme. Convierte su amoladora angular en una máquina pulidora ideal para pulir y pulir todas las superficies metálicas.
Cada disco está montado sobre un respaldo de plástico grueso endurecido con un diseño ahuecado que permite el flujo de aire para una gran disipación de calor y una alta resistencia a la rotura mientras mantiene un funcionamiento más fresco, a diferencia de las ruedas tradicionales tipo 27 con centro hundido, que generalmente son de fibra de vidrio delgada y pueden romperse durante operación
Discos universales de 4-1/2 pulgadas de diámetro con orificio de eje estándar de 7/8 que se adaptan a todas las marcas de amoladoras angulares estándar de América del Norte.
Ideal para talleres de metalurgia y talleres de carrocería. Adecuado para esmerilar, desbarbar, lijar, pulir y terminar la mayoría de los metales.
10x 4-1/2" Felt Buffing wheel
FREE SHIPPING On orders over $50 USD (USA) or $65 CAD (Canada).
These seem to be good quality. I was a little wary of the plastic disk that connects it to the grinder, but it hasn't been an issue. I tested it by using it to basically strop my lawn mower blade after sharpening it and no, I don't think that is worth doing except as a torture test for a buffing wheel. It did a nice job and it was still usable, though a little worse for wear, after about 15 minutes or so of buffing. I made a real effort to overheat it and cause the plastic disk to deform, but it held up well. If you need some wool buffing wheels, these are a good choice.
Work as expected
These buffing wheels are intended to clean up and polish metal and chrome. They're rated for 11000 RPM which is great if you have a fixed speed grinder like I do. I fit one to my angle grinder for testing and there was just enough clearance that I didn't need to remove the guard. So far I've only done some limited testing on chrome parts but they definitely work - they cleaned up some chrome handles in nothing flat!
Princess Lucky
Great felt buffing wheels for angle grinders
I use these LINE10 felt buffing wheels with my cordless angle grinder.They're pretty good for polishing and seem to have enough material to last some time. A pack of 10 is sure to last me a while.Would recommend.
BV Claire
Excellent Pads
These pads are thick and buff out metal good. The felt is about 3/8 inch thickness. They are glued to the wheel good and the fiber seems to last a long time. I feel this is a pretty good value and find nothing wrong with these pads.
Bless The USA
Used for my aluminum covers..
I have a Bridgeport milling machine that I have been restoring and the upper covers are all aluminum and were in need of polishing. I decided to give these a try and the felt is short but does buff the metal pretty well. One pad was enough to do the whole job and is still in good condition.